What Can Reckless Driving be Reduced To?

If facing a reckless driving charge in Virginia, your first move should be to hire a seasoned Virginia reckless driving attorney. What can reckless driving be reduced to? Depending on your case’s specifics, your attorney can reduce or dismiss the charge. While dismissal is ideal, reducing improper driving is often the best achievable outcome.

Under Virginia Code § 46.2-869, judges or prosecutors can downgrade a reckless driving charge to improper driving if the fault is minimal. Various factors influence this decision, and having a skilled attorney can ensure that persuasive factors are presented to the court or prosecutor, potentially avoiding severe penalties associated with reckless driving.

what can reckless driving be reduced to

Reckless Driving Charges

In Virginia, reckless driving is a severe offense that can result in a class 1 misdemeanor. This charge carries hefty fines of up to $2,500, potential jail time of up to a year, and could lead to the suspension or revocation of your driver’s license. Examples include driving 20 miles per hour or more above the speed limit or exceeding 80 mph under Virginia Code § 46.2-862.

Reckless driving, as broadly defined by Virginia Code § 46.2-852, involves driving in a way that endangers people or property. It’s crucial not to underestimate the consequences of a reckless driving charge, as it can result in a permanent criminal record.

If you’re charged with reckless driving, seeking legal representation to understand your options and protect your rights is crucial. Virginia courts treat reckless driving seriously because of its potential impact on public safety. Contact Bississo Law, P.C. They can assist you through the legal process and lessen the consequences of a reckless driving charge.

Differences Between Reckless Driving and Improper Driving Penalties

Reckless driving carries much harsher penalties compared to those for improper driving:

  • Reckless driving is a severe crime that can result in jail for up to a year and a fine of up to $2,500. Your driver’s license could also be suspended for six months, and you’ll receive six demerit points on your record for 11 years, along with a permanent criminal record.
  • Improper driving is a traffic infraction punishable by a maximum fine of $500. Upon conviction, there is no possibility of jail time or license suspension. The DMV assesses only three demerit points, which remain on your record for three years instead of eleven.

Several factors can influence whether your reckless driving charge can be reduced to improper driving, dismissed entirely, or reduced to another charge. A clean driving history, demonstrating the incident was borderline speeding, completing community service, and taking a driver improvement course are positive factors that might reduce your charges. These steps can strengthen your case and lessen the severity of the consequences you face.

Facing Reckless Driving Charges? Trust Bississo Law, P.C. for Expert Legal Defense

Having knowledgeable legal representation is crucial if you’ve been charged with reckless driving. At Bississo Law, P.C., we specialize in defending clients against serious traffic offenses, including careless driving. Our team will work hard to investigate all avenues for reducing or dismissing your charges thoroughly. We understand the complexities of Virginia traffic laws and will advocate fiercely for your rights in court. Contact us today at (703) 495-3020 to schedule a free consultation and discuss your case with a dedicated attorney. Take proactive steps to protect your future with our experienced legal team by your side.